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Chest pain or heaviness

Doctors often ask whether you have ‘chest pain’, by which they mean any unpleasant sensation [...]

Surveillance in heart valve disease

Surveillance following valve surgery Once you have had an intervention on your heart valve you [...]

Pulmonary regurgitation

What is the pulmonary valve? The pulmonary valve is the main outlet valve on the [...]

Pulmonary stenosis

What is the pulmonary valve? The pulmonary valve is the main outlet valve on the [...]

Tricuspid regurgitation

What is the tricuspid valve? The tricuspid valve is the inlet valve on the right [...]

Mitral valve prolapse

What is the mitral valve? The mitral valve is a valve with two leaflets situated [...]

Mitral stenosis

What is the mitral valve? The mitral valve is a valve with two leaflets situated [...]

Mitral regurgitation

What is the mitral valve? The mitral valve is situated on the left side of [...]

Bicuspid aortic valve

What is the aortic valve? The aortic valve is a structure in the heart that [...]

Aortic regurgitation

What is the aortic valve? The aortic valve is the main outlet valve of the [...]