Author Archives: [email protected]

Management of echocardiography requests

Management of echocardiography requests for the detection and follow-up of Heart Valve Disease

BHVS Blueprint

The British Heart Valve Society Guideline The first EuroHeart Valve survey in 2003 showed significant [...]

The importance of heart valve disease and patient empowerment

Founding President Prof Chambers and BHVS patient representative discuss the importance of heart valve disease [...]

Guidance on heart valve disease in adults

BHVS Past President Benoy Shah has written an article in the journal Heart reviewing the guidance on [...]

Directory of UK Healthcare Professionals with competencies in heart valve disease

The BHVS has compiled a list of Healthcare Professionals self-reporting competencies across heart valve disease [...]


Guidelines in heart valve disease management There are many guidelines available regarding heart valve disease [...]


What is endocarditis? Endocarditis is a rare but potentially life-threatening infection of the lining of [...]