Basic observations (blood pressure, pulse, oxygen levels)

It is important to check blood pressure and pulse rate in patients with heart valve disease. High blood pressure is a common condition and should be treated in those where the blood pressure is persistently elevated. Occasionally your healthcare professional may also check your oxygen levels, especially if you experience shortness of breath. 

Shortness of breath

Breathlessness on a normal everyday exertion like walking – not playing sport or using a gym.  Typically, this starts when walking uphill and becomes progressively worse.  It may start to show on minor inclines and then even on the flat, especially when you hurry.  You can help your doctor by noting how severe the breathlessness […]

Heart valve disease

What is heart valve disease? Heart valve disease is a condition where the heart valves do not work as they should. They can either become leaky (regurgitant or incompetent) or narrowed (stenotic).  Mild heart valve degeneration is considered a normal part of the ageing process, and it is common to have mild regurgitation of the […]

Enhanced follow-up for patients with Trifecta aortic replacement valves

BHVS is delighted to have collaborated with the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) and the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery (SCTS) to produce a Joint Statement regarding enhanced follow-up for patients with a Trifecta aortic valve replacement, following an advisory safety warning issued in summer 2020 by the Medicines and Health Regulatory Authority (MHRA).