Training in valve disease
More than 5 years of experience in Scientist / Physiologist-led Valve Clinic. More than 20 years of experience in echocardiography
Specialist valve activity
I run a scientist led valve clinic. In the whole clinic there are 20 new and 30 follow-up patients each week. The unit performs 250 TAVI, 5 transcatheter paraprosthetic leak closures, 10 balloon valvotomies and 40 transcatheter mitral valve procedures each year. There are 100 valve stress echocardiograms and 400 valve CT each year.
Patients seen
Moderate and severe native valve disease, post-endocarditis and post intervention, Mitral prolapse and bicuspid aortic valves
Patients not seen
Mild valve disease
Each week there is a pre-clinic meeting where queries of the physiologists, clinical scientist and nurses are discussed with the cardiologist-lead. This is an in person meeting which is run simultaneously on MS teams so other physiologists and scientists can attend. There are links with all cardiac services. One-stop echo usually available. Patient information leaflets available and PROMS used and patient surveys performed.
I lecture in aortic valve disease on the Scientist Training Programme (MSc) at Newcastle University
Attendance at annual BHVS AGM and Core Knowledge day
PhD in Tissue Doppler Imaging and Diastolic dysfunction.
Chambers JB, Parkin D, Rimington H, Subbiah S, Campbell B, Demetrescu C, Hayes A, Rajani R. Specialist valve clinic in a cardiac centre: 10-year experience. Open heart 2020; 7(10): e001262
Shah BN, Schlosshan D, McConkey HZR, Buch MH, Marshall AJ, Cartwright N, Dobson LR, Allen C, Campbell B, Khan P. Outpatient management of heart valve disease following the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for present and future care. Heart 2020; 106(20): 1549-1554
Banks T, Razeghi O, Ntalas I, Aziz W, Behar JM, Preston R, Campbell B, Redwood S, Prendergast B, Niederer S. Automated quantification of mitral valve geometry on multi-slice computed tomography in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy–implications for transcatheter mitral valve replacement . Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography 2018; 12(4): 329-337
Chambers J, Ray S, Prendergast B, Graham T, Campbell B, Greenhalgh D, Petrou M; Tinkler J, Gohlke-Bärwolf C, Mestres CA. Standards for heart valve surgery in a ‘Heart Valve Centre of Excellence’. Open Heart 2015; 2(1): e000216
Chambers J, Campbell B, Wilson J, Arden C, Ray S. How should specialist competencies in heart valve disease be recognized? QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 2015; 108(5): 353-354
Chambers J, Sandoe J, Ray S, Prendergast B, Taggart D, Westaby S, Arden C, Grothier L, Wilson J, Campbell Brian. The infective endocarditis team: recommendations from an international working group. Heart 2014 100(7): 524-527
Arden C, Chambers JB, Sandoe J, Ray S, Prendergast B, Taggart D, Westaby S, Grothier L, Wilson J, Campbell B. Can we improve the detection of heart valve disease? Heart 2014; 100(4): 271-273
Chambers JB, Ray S, Prendergast B, Taggart D, Westaby S, Grothier L, Arden C, Wilson J, Campbell B, Sandoe J. Specialist valve clinics: recommendations from the British Heart Valve Society working group on improving quality in the delivery of care for patients with heart valve disease. Heart 2013; 99(23): 1714-1716
Valve Societies
Council member of the British Heart Valve Society and member of EACVI