Training in valve disease
Previously completed BHVS Core Knowledge Course
Specialist valve activity
Established Wessex Heart Valve Clinic in 2018 seeing 40 new and 28 follow-up patients per month. This includes physiologist- and nurse-led clinics
Patients seen
Moderate and severe native valve disease, post-endocarditis and post intervention, Mitral prolapse and bicuspid aortic valves
Patients not seen
Mild valve disease
The cardiologist is in room next door and available for immediate on-the-day review if required. We have produced templates with ‘triggers’ for requesting a cardiologist to review, such as crossing an echo threshold, new symptoms, new AF.
Weekly valve MDT. Informal links with all cardiac services. One-stop echo available. Patient information leaflets available. Valve stress echocardiograms, CT and CMR available.
BHVS Council Member since 2012, Program Committee Chair 2016-2019 and President 2019-22
Have attended BHVS Annual Conference annually for past 6 years and BCS, and BSE conferences in 2017, 2018 and 2019, EuroECHO in 2017 and BSE Advanced Imaging in 2018 and 2019.
Invited speaker at BHVS and BSE conferences in 2019 plus BSE Advanced Imaging 2019 and 2018 plus RSM Teaching Sept 2020. Local audit of care following prosthetic heart valve implantation – presented at EuroEcho 2017 and published in ERP (see below)
Alaour B, Menexi C & Shah BN. Clinical and echocardiographic follow-up of patients following surgical heart valve repair or replacement: a tertiary centre experience. Echo Res Pract 2018; 5(3):113-119
Shah BN, Schlosshan D, McConkey HZR, Buch MH, Marshall AJ, Cartwright N, Dobson LE, Allen C, Campbell B, Khan P, Savill PJ, Briffa NP, Chambers JB. Outpatient management of heart valve disease following the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for present and future care. Heart 2020; 106(20): 1549-54
Hinton J, Gough S, Ahmed H, Gabara L, Rawlins J, Calver A, Shah BN, Rakhit D, Shambrook J, Harden S, Peebles C, Abbas A, Curzen N. Frequency and impact of incidental findings on computed tomography during work-up for transcatheter aortic valve implantation: single centre experience and review of the literature. Br J Radiol 2019; 92(1102):20190344
Valve Societies
President of the British Heart Valve Society from 2019.
M member of the council on Valvular Heart Disease of the ESC.